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Thursday, 18 August 2005


I took an hour out of my day and went and seen Butch Walker perform at the Joint.He'z really good.It waz bizarre tho,cuz he waz opening up for The Queen Of Punk-Avril Lavigne.So the crowd waz made up of mostly prepubescent girlz and thier momz.That didn't hold Butch back tho,he used dirty wordz,sang songz about sex,licked his guitarists' face,cranked out a furious version of Kelly Clarkson's Since You've Been Gone and grabbed hiz crotch a few timez.And all the little girlz shreeked in approval while thier mom'z looked on terrified,yet strangely twitterpated by the whole ordeal.

Oh yes,the good ol' rockstar gettin' the chickiez worked up.Get the girliez while they're young and the mommies while they're out on the town without thier hubbiez to kill the mood.Funny watchin' it all.

And just a few feet away from me,standing in the crowd,waz the one and only C.C.Deville of Poison fame,being recognized by a few of the momz too.Very surreal.

Butch did a good job tho.Doing his melodic rawk desguised to the lesser educated az Emo method of pulling a fast one over the headz of the crowd,who didn't know any better.Like most showz,the band waz much smarter than the audience that he waz playing to,but hopefully it'll inspire the younginz to pick up a geetar and write decent dittys without that silly Nu-metal whinin' and sampled beat box goop that's so hip to the TRL crowd.Methinx he did,methinx he did.

...But the little girls understand.

Ragz Rates It A:8.0

Posted by ragzdandelion at 10:42 PM PDT

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