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Saturday, 5 August 2006










It'z a twisted story of a group of kidz causing death and mayhem in search of decent Halloween candy and thier misadventures along the way.The goth kidz will love this,cuz,tho it may appear to be for the kiddies,it'z pretty grizzly.We see a little girl dressed up az a tooth fairy that actually collects teeth from dead corpses and unlucky neighborhood boyz and big fat old ladies confined to the bed due to thier obesity,we get to see an adult character take a big nasty bite of an apple loaded with razor blades,and we see one eyed dogs,a kid beaten to death with a rock to the eye and a trampy teenager on the lil' kidz trail in hopez of gettin' her stolen bra back from them.It'z gonna be huge,how much ya wanna bet?As soon az Hot Topic gets a whiff of it,"I Luv Halloween" will share shelf space with the Johnny The Homicidle Maniacs,Lenore's and The Happy Tree Friends.
I liked it,somethin'different for us sickies that like this kinda stuff.
It remined me a little of an old skit that we had back in the 80's when I waz part of a comedy troup,where we had a character named Sticky(who has remarkably alot like South Parks' Butters)that becomez the unwhilling victim for a bunch of kids afternoon stint of "playing doctor".
I'll haveta post it on SCHLOCK RADIO one of theze dayz.
"I Luv Halloween" iz pretty darn nifty.Pick it up,read it to yer chillinz,and fuck thier world up good.
Ragz Rates It A:7.25

Posted by ragzdandelion at 10:24 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 5 August 2006 10:25 PM PDT

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