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Friday, 10 September 2004

Mood:  sad

I cringe everytime I see that "Mamma Mia"commercial on tv.I haven't seen the actual musical,but just by the commercial alone I can pretty much tell it's one big giant CringeFest.But people are suckers-especially people in thier 30's & 40's,cuz we'll buy anything if it makes us,even just for a few minutes, think the crap we were into 20 yearz ago may possibly still have some "coolness" value today.I'm realistic about it all,I KNOW the crap I'm into,has long lost it's relevency in todays Pop Culture,but I also know when something is sooo bad that it actually can be good.
I think,course after that said paragraph,I probably don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.Plus,for the most part I don't really like Abba anyways so who the hell do I think I am?
But I am a huge Queen fan,so here we go...
Brian May & Roger Taylor have found a new niche to squeeze what little juice iz still left out of Freddie Mercurys' corpse and created "We Will Rock You",a musical based on the music of Queen for all the middle aged rockers of yesteryear to get that "concert"experience without actually having to deal with some crappy up n' coming opening band and standing for two hours.Yep,we get all the Queen hits,played loudly,with flashy lights and awesome stage sets,but since Freddie's dead and since no one could possibly replace him(unlike The Doors who found the former Cult singer and decided to "get the band back together"),they get a guy that looks like my old buddy Roy to jump around with some other singer/dancers and put on a play like the ones you'd see in high school.
If it wasn't for the sooperdooper expensive lighting and stage effects,you'd swear it was a high school play cuz boy iz it crap.The story takes place in some sci-fi future where rock n'roll is banned,only to have it resurface when the hero of the story meets up with a gang o'outsiders who dress like I did in the 80's and they seek and search out some mythical guitar buried in a rock-y'know-that ol' sword in the stone bit.Wazn't this subject matter already covered by RUSH in "2112" and Styx in "Mr.Roboto"?Oh well,maybe the idea will work if Queen did it.
To be fair,there iz a few good jokes here n' there and it's cool to see my old closet being raided and those clothes being worn again,but when it tries to get serious it just comes off az forced-like when one of the characters dies or when they play homage to fallen drug addicted losers(yeah,yeah-I'm talking Cobain,Hendrix & Morrison here-sorry,can't feel any great loss for artists who died cuz they shot too much heroin or whatever).I do miss Freddie big time tho,and I would've much rather seen a different celebration to his legacy than this tripe.I would have done something that didn't try to force thier cataloge into some Saturday Morning Cartoon type of story.How about a celebration of his talents by having different stories of those that were influenced by him?I see a much broader range of stories and emotions that could be covered than making Queen some type of prophets that buried thier super powers in Graceland to protect the rock n' roll God-Elvis Presley.
But the crowd ate it up anyways,nothing like seeing middle age fat people clapping along to "Radio Ga Ga" with that ol' glint in thier eye,bringin' 'em back to the day when they first smoked a cigarrete in thier high scholl buddy's van.Guess that's what it really iz all about-hell,I get the same way when I see old "Kolchack The Night Stalker"reruns on the sci-fi channel!
"We Will Rock You"now playing at The Paris Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas,is to us 30/40 somethinz what Barney The Purple Dinosaur iz to 3 to 4 year olds.
Gotta give Brian May & Roger Taylor credit for that,I guess.
Easy money baby!
...and this is Vegas for chrissakes!At least they coulda had that all girl,all naked bicycle race innit!
Ragz Rates It A:2.0
Ragz Rates It If They Had The All Girl,All Naked Bicycle Race In It A:8.0

Posted by ragzdandelion at 12:10 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 10 September 2004 12:25 AM PDT

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