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Tuesday, 18 November 2003

Mood:  on fire

Anyone who knowz The Ragzter knowz I dig post apocalyptic moviez.Something about seeing a once modern world all destroyed & lain to waste givez me a thrill.From the old 70's "Killraven"comics to recent flicks such az "28 Days",I get a kick out of the modern world getting kicked.Not that I wish that fate on us,but I think it paints an interesting picture.Nothing like seeing The Golden Arches half buried under dust n' rubble.
Mix that backdrop with giant fire breathing dragons and you've got yerself a winner!
It's just like the old "Killreaven"comix but instead of Martians taking over the world we here have the dragons,swooping out of the cloudy skiez and raining hell on a small band of survivors.
Matthew McConaughey(who I didn't even recognize at first)playz the tough ass American milititary leader who has the helicopters,missiles & battle axes,while Christian Bale iz the classic almost-midieval knight.The two men battle over who'z gonna lead the remaining ragtag humans left against the dragons.Other than that,it's all out action time.

People that also know me know I hate computer generated characters.I prefer guys in rubber suits or old Harryhausen stop motion puppets,but I'll be damned if they didn't finally get CGC right this time.The dragons are friggin' awesome!
I don't usually get out to the theater very often,but this waz one of the movies my gal & I trekked out and saw on the big screen when it first came out and the only dissapointment for me waz there wazn't enuff dragons in it,but since seeing it again I thought it waz just fine.Woulda liked to see scenes of when the dragons took over the world-seeing city's like Las Vegas & Japan destroyed by dragons woulda been a super thrill,but the scenes in downtown dessimated London looked really gloomy n' dark.
I doubt there'll be a sequel to it being that I don't think it did all that well in the theaters,but it would be interesting to see how the rest of the world dealt with theze beasties.
Ragz Rates It A:8.0

Posted by ragzdandelion at 12:12 AM PST

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