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Saturday, 19 August 2006








Gots me a free entrance into the Dir enGrey/Korn show at The Joint tonight.I went mainly to see the Japanese band Dir en Grey,but had to suffer thru the opening band Deadsy which sucked major crapulence.Sheesh,there wazn't a single thing remotely interesting about Deadsy.Thier stage presence waz nill,thier songz lacked any energy,the guitar sound waz so downtooneded that they sounded like they were playing with rubber bandz instead of guitar stringz and the singer sounded so bored that I think he waz snoring instead of singing.Then they had to end the set with a horrid "nu-metal"version of Rush's "Tom Sawyer".Yuck.As if Rush doesn't suck enuff,then some lazy noisehufferz had to do a cover of one of thier toonz.
Dir en Grey waz pretty darn entertaining tho,sure it'z alot of screaming and wanking going on-kinda like if Queensryche got angry.The singer,a short little skinny angry Japanese version of Marylin Manson,got the crowdz attention quickly and won them over big time.Course he hadda cut himself up and punch himself in the face a few timez,but it'z all fer the rockshow I guess.By the end of the set the guy waz covered in blood and looked like he went a few roundz with King Ghidorah.Musically,they were intense,loud and furious,but also sprinkled in some brutal melodisism,like I said,kinda Queensrychey. he...that'z a funny word.
I didn't stick around for Korn cuz,well,I couldn't care less,and instead Lady Dandelion & I munched down on some meat at The Rainbow.
I'm guessin' if the rest of the tour goez like this,Korn will be upstaged and the kiddies will be traiding in the Addidas for some Samurai Rawk.
Turn it up!

Ragz Rates Deadsy A:2.0

Ragz Rates Dir En Grey A:7.25


Posted by ragzdandelion at 8:48 PM PDT

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