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Saturday, 6 December 2003

Mood:  caffeinated

It's amazing that no one has thought of this before cuz it's a brilliant idea.Take WWF Wrestling,dress it up in big rubber monster outfits,wrap it in Japanese Pop visuals and add a little blood and you've got Kaiju Big Battel!
They play it out in New York alot,live and in person,but if ya can't get out there to catch it luckily they've released a taste of the experience on dvd for us.The dvd features four matches,such as a battle between long time enemies Soup & Sandwich,or better known as thier Kaiju names-Kung-Fu Chicken Noodle & Club Sandwich.Inbetween the action and low brow color commentary we're flashed with crazy Japanese style banzai tv commercials.
I'm just bettin(and if they don't then they're gonna miss out on a good thing)that Comedy Central will snatch this up.Hey,it's much better than that geekfest "Battlebots!".
The only thing that it's missing is hot chickies in bikini's.Needs some sex appeal.
I'm sure seeing this stuff live is a real kick,but til then we gots the dvd.It'll leave ya happy long time!
Ragz Rates It A:7.0

Posted by ragzdandelion at 2:21 PM PST

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