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Saturday, 25 September 2004

Mood:  cheeky

I know what it's like trying to get a stinkin' cigarette in L.A.I waz stuck without a pack and jonesin' for some tobacco really bad and during a fit it waz made worse when I had to walk around for over an hour to get one.
And that's all Snake Plisskin wanted in "Escape From L.A."Course I didn't have to go thru as much hell as Snake did to get one.
Everything that sucks about L.A. is covered in this movie-fake plastic people,drive by shootings,low riders,hell,even the so called Happiest Place On Earth makes a post apokalyptic appearance!
This sequel to "Escape From New York"is the ultimate in cheese.But ya know,tonight az I sat in front of the tube feeling the worn down affects of dealing with the mindless horde at work,it waz just what I needed.Stupid fun entertainment.The dialogue iz horrendous,the special effects are bad,and it's predictable,but Snake rocks!
And I want a pack of "American Spirit"cigarettes.Kinda funny seeing this "anti-American"film at this time,being that Snake must battle both the American government AND a terrorist.The messege is sappy-but all the more fitting.We're all a buncha baffoons.
Welcome to the human race.
Now I want a "Escape From Las Vegas!"
hint hint
Ragz Rates It A:6.50

Posted by ragzdandelion at 11:39 PM PDT

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