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Friday, 16 January 2004

Mood:  silly

Marvel Comics has taken the letter "X" and pretty much has made a whole new comic book universe from it.
It started with The X-Men.
Then came along X-Force,X-Factor,X-Man,Xcalibur,Xtreme X-Men,X-cetera,X-cetera,X-Cetera.
And I've been a sucker for all of them.I'm an "X" junkie,ever since I picked up that Giant Size X-Men #1 many,many yearz ago in a Marvel Universe far far away.
Yet,I've learned tha hard way that many of them are duds(Kitty Pryde-Agent Of S.H.I.E.L.D comes to mind).But "Agent X" iz pretty darn entertaining.
Here's the official Marvel blurb-"Mathematically,the letter "X" stands for an unknown or variable quantity.But in the dangerous world of the modern-day gun-for-hire,it stands for Alex Hayden,the man with no past.Uninterested in the mystery of his own beginnings,Agent X is determined to take his position as the world's most deadliest,and highest paid mercenary."
The story involves Agent X trying to kill off a former superhero so his girlfriend doesn't get offed by the former superheroes ex-wife.The only problem,this once upon a time superdood-who went by the name of Fight Man,is invulnerable to pain and destruction,tho Fight Man,who's pretty done with living,let's Agent X attempt to murder him.They try everything-smashing a car into him,bathing him in a tub of acid,electriction and everything else under the sun.But they have no luck.
Agent X is a fun read,but I've gotta wonder why they went thru all the trouble to create this new Agent X character cuz in almost every way possible he's the same character as another Marvel mercenary by the name of Deadpool.Same powers,same ugly mug,same sense of humor.
Oh hell,what's another "X"character gonna hurt?
Only my wallet.
Ragz Rates It A:7.75

Posted by ragzdandelion at 11:57 PM PST

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