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Wednesday, 28 July 2004

Mood:  silly

I've been a fan of the website for quite a while now but it waz a buddy of mine that introduced me to a little movie called "Doom House" that waz made by a coupla guyz from that website.
That same guy iz also responsible for me becoming addicted to cigarettes.Both will be bad for you're health,but they're both alot of fun regardless.
"Doom House"iz basically a home movie about a high strung guy who buyz a new house only to be haunted by a small figurine that keeps popping up,no matter how the guy triez to be rid of it.There's a much better review of it on the Something Awful website,and it's also there where you lucky bastardz get to download it in it's all glorifying full length-heck-go here-
and turn out the lights,pop some popcorn and lsd and just see for yourself all the madness.

It's a hoot-the bad acting,the bad editing,the bad continuity-everything that makez a good movie.
Damn,how I wish we had the internet and all the computer movie making toolz at our desposal in the early 80's when that self same friend that got me hooked on coffin nails and I were in a small yet creative lil' comedy troupe called Belco.
"Doom House"would've been the kinda crap we woulda made.
Except one of us would've been dressed az a chick.
Ragz Rates It A:8.25

Posted by ragzdandelion at 12:24 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 28 July 2004 12:25 AM PDT

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